English TESOL Exam Resources


البته علاقمندان میتوانند کتاب ها را از دیپارتمنت های مربوطه آن بدست بیآورند

Ahmadzi .N. (2019). Basics of educational research .Kabul: Nawisa publication.

Ahmadzi .N. (2019) world literature.kabul: Nawisa publication.

Omari.M.Z (2016). phonetics for university students .Kabul: Nawisa publication.

Omari.M .Z (2019) writing 1: from sentence to paragraph writing .Kabul: Nawisa publication.

Kosha, A. (2017) Morphology .Kabul. Nawisa publication.

Ur.P. (2012). A course in English language teaching .New York .Cambridge University press.

Magoosh .N. (2014) .free TOFEL practice questions. Retrieved from: toefl .magoosh.com.

and https:// www.examenglish.com/ TOEFL/ toefl structure 1. htm

Philips,D. (2001).Longman complete course for the toefl test: preparation for the complete and paper tests. New York: Longman.INC .

Ten practice Test structure A-I can be found with this link

http ://www.google.com/search?ei=qmdwxs-LBvehblPv7mEWA&q=parctice+test+a+

+structure+pdf&oq=part ice +test +a-+stricture+&gs l=psy-.

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