View of Kabul Education University



Message of Kabul Education University  Chancellor

1 year 5 months ago

The Kabul Education University  is a valuable countrywide institution of teacher training. This university has been established with the goal to train teachers and lecturers for Education Institutes, teacher training institutes and secondary schools. This university attempts to rise as a credible academic institution, responsive to the needs of people and free from any kind of discrimination, prejudice and violence.To achieve the mentioned goals, the Education University of Shaheed Rabani has created a quality assurance and accreditation board; to do a comprehensive assessment of the university to find out the strengths and take measures for eliminating the weak points of the university so that this university receive a higher credibility and academic validity in accordance with the accepted international standards and stand out as a prestigious university in the ranking of world’s prestigious universities.

Sheikh al-Hadith Movlawi Sayed Bashir Agha "Hashimi"
head of keu

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Tue, Jul 14 2020 2:59 PM
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Graduates Monograph Defense Ceremony of English Department

On Wednesday December 28, 2016 the graduated students monograph defense took place at TESOL Library, Kabul Education University.

Tue, Jul 14 2020 2:55 PM
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Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) students from the Creative Center for Information Technology (IT Competence Center) is made, in..

Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) students from the Creative Center for Information Technology (IT Competence Center) is made, in a ceremony presented and discussed. . .

Tue, Jul 14 2020 10:40 AM
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Protocol between Shaheed prof. Rabani Education University and USWDP

The protocol  was singed between Shaheed prof. Rabani Education University and USWDP about establishing master’s program in field of education in academic deputy office at university.

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Outcome-based teaching and student-centered teaching workshops

Computer training program for students

Opening Ceremony of the Library and Department of the Turkish Language and Literature

Celebrating the World Mental Health Day in the hall of the University of Shahid Ustad Rabbani